Need help to buy a new fridge or washing machine?

Or help to register or repair your car?

Do you need new furniture, TV or help with school expenses?

Do you need help to pay for medical expenses or items?
Borrow up to: $2,000
for essential goods & services.
*the amount you can borrow will depend on your circumstances.
Check below to see if you are eligible for a NILS loan:
Please be careful of online scams.
We will NEVER ask you for your login details or passwords for ANY SITE, including MYGOV.
If you think you’ve been scammed, please visit SCAMWATCH at www.scamwatch.com.au for help.
If you would like a NILS for Vehicles loan, please visit
Mary MacKillop NILS
Before you can get your loan, we need to book a telephone interview with you.
Before we can do this, you need to complete our application form and provide some additional info.
Our HRNILS Required Information list will help you do this. 😊
** Please remember, we can only book your telephone interview WHEN WE HAVE EVERYTHING WE NEED.
HRNILS Application Form
HRNILS Required Information list
HUNTER REGION NILS is a not for profit organisation and an accredited member of the NILS Program; governed by Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand (GSANZ), and supported by the Australian Federal and State Governments, and NAB.
Hunter Region NILS is proudly funded by the NSW State Government.
We provide access to NILS loans for eligible community members
throughout the Hunter Region.
What is NILS?
The No Interest Loan Scheme is an alternative line of credit for individuals and families on low income. NILS provides small loans with no fees, interest or charges. Developed by the Good Shepherd Sisters in Victoria in 1981, NILS is now available throughout Australia, and New Zealand through accredited NILS Providers.
How Does NILS Work?
The NILS loans process is based on dignity and respect, and uses ‘circular community credit’.
This means every repayment made by those who have a NILS loan will be used to help someone else…in this case, maybe You!
If you get a NILS loan, every repayment you make is used to help others.

Am I Eligible?
To be eligible for a NILS loan, you must:
Have a Pension or Health Care Card
OR Earn less than $70,000 annual income (before tax) as a single person or $100,000 (before tax) if you have a partner or children.
OR Have experienced family or domestic violence in the last 10 years.
AND You can show you can afford to repay the loan.
How Do I Apply?
STEP 1: Complete and submit or return our HRNILS Application Form.
We have an online form, and a printable option you can complete by hand.
STEP 2: Use our Required Information document to send us the additional information we need to book your telephone interview.
HRNILS Required Information
HRNILS Online Application Form
Printable HRNILS Application Form
HRNILS Application Process FAQ
Please remember, we are here to help 🙂
When we have all the information we need, we will:
- We will book your telephone interview.
- During your interview will will help you create your application – including a fortnightly budget, and then submit your application for assessment.
- Once we submit your application for assessment, The Loan Assessing team will contact you with the outcome of your application. This will usually happen within 2-3 days after your application has been submitted for assessment. *The time may be quicker but will depend on the number of loans being assessed.
- If approved, payment will be made on your behalf, and delivery or pick up details can be organised.
How long does it take?
In most cases, this may depend on you!
Once you have completed and sumbitted your Enquiry form, we will need some additional information before we can book your telephone interview. Remember to read our HRNILS Loan Process Frequently Asked Questions, to make sure we can process your loan as soon as we can.
After your loan application is submitted for assessment, you will know the outcome within 2-3 days. It may be quicker but will depend on the number of loans being assessed.
What can I buy?
NILS Loan Are Available For:
- Educational expenses, except for ongoing school fees
- Household appliances
- Household furniture
- Health expenses
- Technology
- Car related items
- Loans for Bond may be provided, but only under special circumstances, including
- The bond must be for a new rental property, rented through a real estate agent or community housing
- It must be your only option. Example, you are unable to access support from DCJ- Housing.
- *Unfortunately, due to limited staff and a high volume of applications, we may not be able to process applications for bond loans within the tight time frames required. *
For full list, please click here
NILS Loans Cannot Be Used For:
- Rent
- Bills or debts
- Cash or holidays
- Ongoing School fees.
For full list, please click here